What is a Lot Declaration?
Lot Declarations are a form that can be signed by a homeowner (the Declarant) to contractually bind their property to the covenants and restrictions in a neighborhood. The form needs to be notarized. If property is jointly owned, both owners must sign. If property is owned in trust, the trustees must sign ‘as trustees’. Once signed, the form is filed with the county courthouse and a copy is sent to the owner, the HOA and the HOA attorney of record. It is a contract, so consult an attorney for specific advice for your situation.
Why are you doing this?
Some of our neighbors have supported us for years, even decades, but are now faced with selling their homes. This option allows owners to insure continued support of a great neighborhood.
Will 60% make my plat mandatory?
No, this is not a vote like we did in 2011. It is an individual choice for each property owner.
Is the Lot Declaration and the Amended Covenants binding?
Yes, the lot declaration binds the property to the ‘Amended and Restated Restrictive Covenants for Brookhaven North’ for all present and future owners. This makes paying dues mandatory for whomever owns the property now or in the future.
Will being mandatory hurt home sales?
Plat 1 went mandatory in 2011 and has had about as many sales as other plats. Some buyers prefer a strong HOA because they know maintenance will be taken care of. Statistically, we have not seen an affect on selling property.
How do my annual dues get spent?
From the $125 dues, $100 is allocated to regular expenses and $25 to capital expenses.
70% of the regular expenses go towards beautification committee which pays the mowing, weeding, fertilizing contracts. Utilities make up 22% for watering frontages and lighting the entrances. In total, 92% of regular expenses pay for maintaining the appearance along Bryant and Covell frontages.
What if my neighbor does not pay their dues?
Some don’t for financial or other reasons. You can choose to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem. In 2017, 60% of the 270 homeowners in Brookhaven did their pay dues.
How do Capital Expense get spent?
Capital expenses were added by a vote of homeowners in 2011, so the HOA could accumulate funds for improvements. The first project owners voted for was to replace the gas lights with LED lighting at the entrances. Next came fencing. As the ‘outside neighbor’ maintaining the lawn along Covell and Bryant, the HOA agreed to pay 50% of the fencing costs and sets a standard for replacing perimeter fences.
See you around the neighborhood,