Hello my name is Michael McCue, the brookhaven website guy. I get an email when a new user signs up and also if you have trouble. I’ve been seeing more than a few members end up needing a password reset.
Rest easy that you are not the first and I apologize for it being harder than it should be.
You don’t have to log in to read most of the website. Only if you want to make a comment on a post you read will you need to be logged in.(this prevents spam)
When you register, the username you pick will need to be typed in each time exactly. It is case sensitive so check your caps lock if you have trouble. Once you register, you will be sent a password to your email address which ensures that the email address is valid.
The website gives a very hard to remember password which I recommend just copy and paste it right from your email to the password box to get it just right. After logging in, you can change your password to something more friendly by clicking on “profile” on the right side.(it shows up after you log in).
You can also add a picture, give your phone and address, and other internet information if you wish. If you are not sure what your username is exactly let me know and I will look it up.
I can also reset your password to something easy to remember. Once you log in you will want to change it to something only you would know.
Why should you go through this hassle? Glad you asked. Once registered you will receive an email when any new post is on the website. You can turn this off if you wish. You will also be able to contribute to the website by commenting on the post or write your own article if you got something to share with your neighbors. Let me know and I will change your user level to author status so you can write.
Later down the road we hope to add the ability to pay or check your dues online.
Thanks for signing up and let me know if you have any questions. Michael McCue
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