Coyote spotted in Neighborhood


We would like all our neighbors to be alert and watchful for a coyote.  This coyote has been spotted by a number of Brookhaven residents and several residents have been missing their cats.  One resident reported driving by the park recently and saw what looked like a dog
hunched down under a tree, then realized it was a coyote.  She actually
watched it move after and snatch a cat.  She has also seen it in a yard across
the street from the park.

Denise and Allen Smith believe that their 10 year old cat is counted as one of the
casualties as he’s been missing since spring.

Edmond Animal Welfare was contacted and they are going to set a trap in the Brookhaven Park to try and catch the coyote.  The cage will be placed in the park for a couple of weeks.

The only hitch in catching the coyote is that the Animal Welfare will use a whole chicken tied to the inside of the cage.  They plan to leave the cage in the park for about 2 weeks.
Animal welfare has admitted to not having much luck trapping coyote in this manner but are willing to try.

So everyone, please keep your small animals inside at night.  Also make a visual sweep of your yard before letting small dogs or cats outside especially if  you have any wooded areas behind your yard.

If you have any sightings to report or any thing to add, please leave a comment below.