There will be a Regular board meeting Tuesday, 5/3/2011 at 6:30 PM.
Location: President’s house, 2205 Brookhaven Ct.
- Proposal to change Association bylaws.
- Committee Reports and Proposals
- Planning for Annual Meeting.
Homeowners and members are welcome to attend any board meeting. Comments are welcome but time may be limited at the meeting.
Can you give us a summary of the proposed changes so to not get blindsided? It may require contemplation rather than an emotional immediate decision.
The association does not currently have a set of bylaws (lost through the years and attorney semi-retired). We now have a template provided by Mattew Winton, our attorney, who specializes in owner associations. This meeting is to continue our work customizing the bylaws. I have some edits to do tonight, so I will try to get a draft online tomorrow.