Storm Damage

Storm damages fences and trees

Storm damages fences and trees
August wind storm damages fences and trees.

Last week’s storm did a lot of wind damage in our neighborhood. Our neighborhood fence has taken it by laying down on the job. Unfortunately, since only half the neighborhood pays dues we can’t even afford to do a 50/50 cost share to buy new posts or replace the fence panels.  My sincere regrets to the neighbors along the fence.   If you’ve put off paying dues, second notices were just mailed out.   Please take a moment now to send in your annual dues.


The good news is that the City of Edmond has announced free tree limb haul off. Tree limbs must be by the curb by 8:00 AM Monday.  For details go to:

I will be working on cutting up trees along Bryant today and tomorrow.  BE SAFE:  Please bring gloves.  If you have a chainsaw please bring it.  I ask all volunteers to wear bright colors, since we are next to a lot of traffic.  Eye and ear protection is available.

If you can help, call my cell 405-620-1861.
Allen Smith