The Brookhaven North HOA 2020 Annual meeting will be held this Saturday.
Saturday, June 20, 2020
9:00 am
Brookhaven Park
We invite you to come and learn about the Brookhaven HOA and what activities are planned for this next year.
The Annual Meeting covers the Annual Treasurers and Committee Reports of the Brookhaven HOA, Nomination of Board Members, Election of Officers and Committee Registrations
The following Committees need volunteers like you:
• Architectural Review Committee –
Review Proposed Structural Improvements
• Covenant Committee – Review Covenant Violations
• Beautification Committee –
Frontage Maintenance and Improvement Projects
• Events Committee – Easter in the Park, Food Trucks and Fall Fun
• Newsletter Committee – Keeping Brookhaven Informed
• Technical Committee – Website/Facebook Postings
• Welcoming Committee – Greeting New Owners
If you are not able to attend the meeting and would like to be considered for a Board Member position or volunteer for one of the committees, please contact: Allen Smith at 405.330.1662, or President(at)
Metro Minis food truck will be available the morning of the meeting for coffee and donuts. The first 20 families, who are HOA members in good standing, will be given $6 worth of vouchers to purchase coffee and donuts from Metro Minis! There will also be a drawing for a $20 gift card to ACE Hardware.