Correction: The correct date of the meeting is June 1, 2024.
The Brookhaven North HOA Annual Meeting will be on Saturday, June 1, 2024, at 10:00 AM in Brookhaven Park. The meeting covers committee reports, treasurer reports, nomination of Board members, election of officers, and committee registrations.
This year the HOA needs volunteers like you for the following areas:
Meet as needed.
1. Beautification Committee – Frontage maintenance and improvement projects.
2. Welcoming Committee – Deliver welcome packets to new neighbors.
3. Communications Team – Keep Brookhaven informed.
Newsletter – compile newsletters
Website – Post articles to the web and social media.
4. Events Committee – Plan fun events throughout the year like Easter in the Park, Patriot Parade, Fall Fun Day.
5. Architectural Review/Covenants Committee – Review proposed structural improvements and handle covenant violations. 3 Members appointed by the Board.
1. President (Board) – Plan and run 4 business meetings.
2. Vice President – no experience required!
3. Secretary (Board) – MS Word experience required.
4. Treasurer – QuickBooks Pro experience or training. Must be bondable.
Coffee and donuts will be provided at the annual meeting. Bring your lawn chair.