Help Wanted

Help Wanted sign

Brookhaven North HOA is managed through volunteer efforts by neighbors like you. We would love for you to join us as we care for the neighborhood we call home.

Board Members (3 to 9)
Attend 4 business meetings per year.
Need board members from each plat.

1. President (Board)
a. Plan and run 4 business meetings.
2. Vice President
a. no experience required!
3. Secretary (Board)
a. MS Word experience required.
4. Treasurer
a. QuickBooks Pro experience required.
b. Must be bondable.

Meet as needed.
1. Beautification Committee
a. Plan entrance plantings and decorations
b. Coordinate mowing bids annually
2. Welcoming Committee
a. Deliver welcome packets to new neighbors.
3. Communications Team
a. Newsletter – compile 2 newsletters per year
b. Website – Post articles to web and social media.
4. Events Committee
a. Plan fun events throughout the year.
5. Architectural Review/Covenants Committee
a. 3 Members Appointed by Board
b. Review property change requests and handle covenant complaints.

The bylaws require that all officers, board members, and committee members be members of the HOA in good standing, which means paying your annual dues to support our neighborhood.

To volunteer or for more information, please attend the 2024 Annual meeting on June 1, 2024 at 10:00 AM in Brookhaven Park. You can also contact