Board Meeting

The final board meeting for 2018 will be October 16, at 7:00 PM. At the presidents house: 2205 Brookhaven Ct. Agenda is: Entrance updates, Fall Event in the park, committee reports and wrapping up old business. Thanks, Allen
The final board meeting for 2018 will be October 16, at 7:00 PM. At the presidents house: 2205 Brookhaven Ct. Agenda is: Entrance updates, Fall Event in the park, committee reports and wrapping up old business. Thanks, Allen
The new board’s organizational meeting will be held June 12, 2018 at 7:00 PM. Location: 2205 Brookhaven Ct. Agenda: Overview of board duties and bylaws. Treasurer status report. Explanation of committee duties.
We will be meeting this Thursday, January 25 for a Brookhaven Board Meeting. Agenda: We will be approving this year’s annual budget and setting forth an annual schedule of events. We also will be discussing what the Board wants to do for capital improvements. We will also be saying farewell to Chris Bennett who is…
When: Thursday, Nov 2 Time: 7:00 PM Location: President’s house, 2205 Brookhaven Ct. Agenda: Treasurer’s Report Committee Reports
As a reminder, the Brookhaven Board Meeting is this Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. at 2205 Brookhaven Court.
As a reminder, we are having a Board Meeting on Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. President’s house. Location 2205 Brookhaven Drive. Agenda: 2017 Budget Approval Schedule of events plus other stuff.
The board will meet October 12 at 7:00PM. Location: President’s home 2205 Brookhaven Ct. Agenda Call to Order Approve Minutes from previous meeting Treasurer’s Report Dues Collections to date Available Funds (bank balance) New Business Old Business Fall Fence and Column work Committees R.C. Letters & Responses Trailer letters going out Events Christmas Lighting Beautification…
Just a reminder that we are meeting tomorrow evening, Wednesday, July 6th at my house. Location: 2205 Brookhaven Ct. Time: 7:00 PM Agenda: Wrap up from Annual Meeting, ARC complaints and solutions. Fall events. Beautification.
This issue includes news about the new fence around our neighborhood. The spring newsletter was mailed earlier this week, but here’s the download. Happy reading. Newsletter March 2015
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