Board Meeting Sept 24

The HOA Board will have the third quarter meeting on September 24th at Time: 7:00 PM. Where: President’s house, 2205 Brookhaven Ct. Agenda: Treasurer’s Report Committee Reports Recent Crime Activity
The HOA Board will have the third quarter meeting on September 24th at Time: 7:00 PM. Where: President’s house, 2205 Brookhaven Ct. Agenda: Treasurer’s Report Committee Reports Recent Crime Activity
The 2014 Annual Treasurer report is attached below, as it was presented at the annual homeowners meeting. The board strives to be thrifty with your contributions and open in our reporting of expenditures. Your annual dues help your HOA continue to improve our neighborhood appearance. Thank you for your continued support. 2014 Annual Treasurer’s Report
Time: July 9, 7:00 PM Location: 2205 Brookhaven Ct. Agenda: -Welcome new members and volunteers – Minutes of Annual Meeting. -Treasurer Committee Reports: -Beautification -Events -Welcoming -Communications Team – Architectural Review Commitee/Covenants, Recent complaints and crime alert. – Fence Committee
HOA Board meeting next Tuesday, May 6th. When: 7:00 PM Where: our house, 2205 Brookhaven Ct. Agenda: Discuss and vote on lighting and fence bids. Finalize plans for annual meeting. Committee reports.
January Meeting Minutes, approved at tonight’s meeting. BNHOA Minutes 1-15-2014
Brookhaven board meeting is planned for Wednesday, April 9, 2014, 7:00 PM Where: at president’s home, 2205 Brookhaven Ct. Agenda: Officer and committee reports, Easter in Park, plan annual meeting.
Since we did not send out a fall newsletter, this is your official 2013 Treasurer’s summary reports. We have 270 homes in Brookhaven North. Of the 46 Mandatory homes, 90% paid dues. Of the 224 Voluntary homes, 53% paid dues. Overall collections were 57% of homes paying dues. This is a slight increase over 2012,…
Board Meeting Wednesday, December 18 at 7:00 p.m. Location: at the president’s home (2205 Brookhaven Drive).
All voluntary homeowners, please disregard the final statement dated Nov. 25th. The language contained within that notice applies only to mandatory members. New statements are going out today to voluntary members who have not yet paid. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for supporting our neighborhood. By the way, Christmas Lights Contest will…
The Board will meet at 7:00 PM, Wednesday, July 17th. Location: President’s house, 2205 Brookhaven Ct. Agenda: Bylaws For information, call Allen 405-620-1861
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